Our move and transition to the new home we call "The Ranch".

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Third week of January 2010

Here is the 30 year old water heater that is still working, after a tune-up last week!

Two of our three car garages!  Note to self, not a good idea to put one of these up in windy weather.

Garage number three! And a look inside below!

The spa now installed and working.  Note the stylistic electrical box, traffic pylons!  Will replace with suitable electrical box as time permits.

Robin planted some winter rye in the side yard last week.  The horses will love this when they get a chance.

Not much grass left in the rest of the back yard.  Many leaves though.  We will be seeding this area next to provide some grass for the horses.  Still muddy from the rains last week.

Things are filling up in the "shed".  Need to organize it now.

My office is starting to take shape.  Too much stuff though, got to get rid of the extra.

Guess that is if for this week.  Hope to get the old house on the market this next week, so will be spending a little time there as well.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

No new pictures!

We have spent a lot of time at the old house getting it ready for listing.  It's amazing how much there is to do to get it ready for listing yet we lived there for years without doing some of these things!   We did have a breakdown at the "Ranch" this week.  The water heater gave up the ghost.  I was hoping they would replace the 30 year old unit but since it was not leaking, they would only fix what was wrong.  They replaced both thermostats and one heating element.  Glad to have hot water again!  We keep moving things from the old house to the "Ranch" and even though the "Ranch" is larger, we seem to have too much stuff to fit in the new house.  I guess it could be the fact that we had a 3 car garage full of stuff and now we have no garage.  I think that a new garage just moved up on the priority list.  More to come...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Laundry room/Bathroom transition

The transition consisted of moving the washer and dryer from their original spot to the right of the shower to the current spot on the left of the shower.  The sink and toilet was on the left of the shower and is now on the right of the shower.  The job is not complete but is usable now.

Aquarium was moved last weekend!

Now it is set up, time to make it look built in. In other words time to hide all the ugly stuff!

Moved the Spa today!

A special thanks to Tim Wise and Preston Scott Hair for their help, without which we would not have been able to move the spa to it's new home.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Here are a few pics of "The Ranch".  More to follow
